
The ‘Who With’ Services; taking care of our most important asset

We believe that culture isn't in the pictures on the walls, the table tennis table or the drinks in the fridge. Culture isn't in the policy document you handcraft or the clever words in your recruitment ad's. Fundamentally culture arrives at work and leaves again at the end of the day. Culture is in your people, how they feel, behave, think and relate to one and other and no matter what every company and team has a culture – whether they are consciously shaping it or leaving it to its own devices.

Using tools such as the Emotional Culture Deck, we work with organisation who don’t want to leave their culture and their employee experience to chance.


Curated Culture Strategy

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Company culture is made up of two parts - cognitive culture (overt culture expression from how we talk and behave) and emotional culture (harder to see as this is how we feel or want to feel at work). We look at both aspects of this in our Culture Strategy offering and curate a unique culture that delivers for you and your team.

Employee Experience Strategy

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We look at your full employee journey from recruitment through to exit and hand craft the moments that matter to ensure we retain the right people and they feel part of the journey. This is co-developed with (not for) your team.

Emotional Culture Deck Workshops

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The Emotional Culture Deck is a little box of empathy and enables teams and leaders to discuss and define how they want to feel at work and how they make that happen. Clare was one of NZ’s first ‘Pro Elephant Riders’ certified to deliver Emotional Culture Workshops that focus on your most important stakeholder - your people.